Truth or Fiction: Chapter One


This article titled: Truth or Fiction is written by Brandon Everett Schuchardt, and is published at the online website of All Will Stand,  The purpose behind this article is to help spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in these last days before the time of Jacob’s Trouble, also commonly known as the Great Tribulation.  Jeremiah 30:7.

This article, Truth or Fiction, will help all visitors of All Will Stand understand the importance of realizing that the Holy Scriptures, the Holy Bible, is truly God’s Written Word, and why mankind needs to debunk the various lies (deceptions) mankind has over the years accepted as truths, when in reality it is nothing more then fictional lies to trick the masses from turning towards the One True Holy Righteous Almighty Eternal God.

Chapter One:  Creation vs. Evolution – gods and goddesses

Many skeptics of the Bible in our modern day of age proudly claim the origins of life was created by means of an evolutionary system, instead of the historical belief that mankind was created by a Creator.  Many of these individuals are claimed by the masses of our cultures to be highly intellect people who have supposedly acquired vast knowledge of understanding the scientific origins of how life was created and how life continues to evolve throughout earths lifespan.  This indoctrination has lead masses of individuals in our cultures to accept this propagated belief by rejecting God’s Word, and thusly excusing mankind from any moral standards of how man should live by.  This belief if it holds to be true, excuses man’s obligations  towards a Holy Righteous Creator.  If that is indeed true then all humans would only be held accountable to anything decreed (led/directed/followed/mapped) by mankind’s own moral compass.  This type of belief clearly allows mankind to decree whatever society deems morally acceptable supposedly according to the laws of nature.  Extreme Example:  If a culture of society claims raping women and children is morally accepted, then the evolutionary process of mankind can not be held morally wrong by the laws of nature.  Just common sense should indicate to you, dear reader, that such a belief can not whatsoever be true based upon the laws of nature.  Why?  Simplistically speaking it is very easy to understand when one acknowledges that by erasing God from reality, if indeed true, all Godhead authority would be handed over to mankind by the laws of nature.  Thus man would in reality become a god like creature, since we humans, are the top of the pyramid (dominate species) when it comes to the animal kingdom, and mankind by the very existence of all of the evolutionary created order, would indeed back this statement, since we as human beings can process higher intellectual thought patterns then any other known living species on earth today.  Therefore mankind would be deemed by the laws of nature to be gods and goddesses, and all morality would be determined by what is and what isn’t acceptable based upon mankind’s own evolving culture throughout the ages.  This so called truth thusly can relieve the notion of any wrong doing to a HIGHER AUTHORITY, THE CREATOR, of all of creation in and of its self.

You see the staunchest evolutionist truly seeks their own wisdom (man’s institutionalized  wisdom), instead of seeking God’s wisdom.  By holding to their beliefs their conscience doesn’t have to accept reality, since these groups of people normally haste endlessly to claim new so-called scientific discoveries regarding their so-called proclamation that EVOLUTION is REAL and the Bible is nothing but made up old stories instead.  That is why these groups of individuals seek at all cost to deny the notion of any possibility that there might be a God, and thusly by accepting their own made up fairytale lie regarding the origins of life, and by this lie, they deny the One True Holy Righteous Almighty Eternal God, and replace God with us humans becoming god’s and goddesses instead.

Since Chapter One of Truth or Fiction is Titled:  Creation vs. Evolution – gods and goddesses, I think it is only appropriate to add this scriptural verse, dear reader, for you to truly consider. 

“For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be as God, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:5). 

Wow did you catch that?  If not I took the time to underline the main focus point of that verse regarding this article.  See it now?  Don’t deny it.  Humans seek to be as God.  Atheist seek godhead authority and most of them will not deny their fairytale of a made up man, created a doctrine of lies, evolution, please dear reader, don’t be one of them.  Take heed to this warning, as it might be your only final warning, you man are NOT a god, and you woman are NOT a goddess, you are a creation from the CREATOR.

Let’s now continue with this article that is going to examine more in depth of the unnatural law of nature, the deceitful lies of evolution that mankind has constructed societies at large to not just “believe in” but accept as absolute fact.

As we can see today in our modern age, mankind has adapted this so called “truth” by refusing to submit to the notion that a Creator could possibly hold them accountable to how one should behave, since various cultures are rejecting the notion that a God truly exists.  Thus man can write their own evolving moral standers within their own legal systems, and various social orders of societies within their own communities. One primary examples is:  In our current age within Western societies, children have the authority to be given adult privileges while only being held accountable as a child (thus the teaching (indoctrination) of adolescence becomes reality.)  Why?  their (children) evolutionary bodies are still developing from childhood to adulthood.    This belief is the indoctrination of the in-between stage from child to man (kid to adult).  Since mankind holds to this doctrine under this evolutionary belief, mankind can thusly replace God’s legal standers, the Holy Bible, and replace it with man’s social orders of its own cultural standers by creating their own humanly scriptures since the laws of nature would deem mankind to be gods and goddesses since we are indeed the supreme beings on this planet.  The overall historical beliefs of adolescence is virtually non-existent.  Children historically are consider children until they can partake in adulthood activities.  The Holy Scriptures in “true factual reality” would back this claim instead of backing the evolutionary model created by modern man.  What…Adolescence isn’t biblical?  Adolescence isn’t factually based upon correct science?  Adolescence isn’t historical?

Lets us now break down the first two questions of concerns…By using the Scriptures and a common sense approach of understanding Natural Law.

Question Reiteration:


1. “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it”  Proverbs 22:6.

2. “The rod and rebuke give wisdom, but a lad set loose brings shame to his mother.”  Proverbs 29:15.

3. “Do not withhold correction from a lad, for if you beat him with the rod, he will not die.   You shall beat him with the rod, and shall deliver his soul from Sheol.”   Proverbs 23:13-14

4. “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise: that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth. And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but nurture them in the discipline and admonition of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:1-4.

The following above Four Scriptural verses regarding children discipline is indeed the “Truth” of how the laws of nature should apply to raising children.  Lets us now break down those four verses…

We as parents have a responsibility to raise our children by teaching them moral law.  Moral laws by the laws of nature must adhere to man’s consciousness by understanding what is right from wrong.  However in the evolutionary belief system, mankind under its supremacy dictates morality upon its cultural orders of its changing communities.  Thus in the year of 2016 homosexual marriages can easily be taught  consciously to our children as morally okay.  However in the year of 1776 homosexual marriages would have been deemed unmoral and all practicers of such a lifestyle would have been excommunicated from its current evolved social order of its principalities.  However by the Laws of Nature based upon Creationism, mankind would not have the authority to dictate under its supremacy, because the Creator that gives them the ability to have knowledge of good and evil would be the Higher Supremacy, and mankind being a creation not a god would by the Laws of Nature be ordered to raise their children by God’s Moral Laws and not man’s evolutionary religious doctrinal lies instead.  Thus raising a child by God instructions will only help bring forth a moral law-abiding God fearing individual who will thrive to not seek to disobey the laws of his/hers conscious that God Himself instilled into the child’s DNA programming.  Which the Holy Scriptures proves a child’s DNA programming by a Creationist viewpoint by these following Scriptural verses…“because what may be known of God is clearly recognized by them, for God has revealed it to them. For ever since the creation of the world the unseen things of Him are clearly perceived, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they know God, they do not glorify Him as God, nor are thankful, but become vain in their reasonings, and their stupid hearts are darkened.”  Romans 1:19-21.  You see dear reader, if a child is raised based upon the evolutionary system of mankind own evolved species, then once again all morality of how people should interact in private or public atmospheres is ordained by humans godhead authority…BUT if the Holy Scriptures is true then we can see why evolutionist become “vain in their reasonings, and their stupid hearts are darkened”…By believing lies that contrast to the natural orders of how the process of behavior should behave (DICTATE OUR THOUGHTS/CONSCIOUSNESS)

We as parents have a responsibility to raise our children so they understand proper authority by the laws of nature.    The second and third verses are teaching us that it is morally okay by a Creationist viewpoint to use what some seem to believe today as harsh treatment towards children.  Lets be clear that actually using physical force to hurt a child would be morally wrong.  Parents do not under the Laws of Nature based upon Creationism have the authority to hurt their children by the definition of actually maiming, murdering, or severely physically causing actual bodily harm to the child’s physical and/or mental parts of their actual bodies.  This would be only hurting the child and creating division between the child and the parental authoritative power given to the adult from God.  Extreme Example:  Using a hammer to beat a child would be justly wrong.  This would be backed by the laws of nature since it is clearly leaving actual longterm/possibly permanent damage to the child’s physical body and also scaring the nonphysical body by leaving mental emotional damage to the brain of the young created being.  However spanking your child by teaching them they were wrong when trying to cross the street without looking both ways from oncoming traffic is morally acceptable by God’s created order of natural law.  Why?  Out of love you are spanking the child to teach them that they need to understand authority, How?  Because  you are embarrassing the child by a spanking and at the same-time teaching the child that he/she can not overcome your authority, and thusly ensuring the child will submit to their proper role of natural law. This practice would ensure that the child will be guarded safety from the dangers of not accepting their mortality, by ensuring that the spanking could have been far worse if they didn’t learn from their adventure, which could have ended far worse towards their mortal bodies by causing extreme damage to their physical/mental being or even worse, DEATH.

Lastly Ephesians 6:1-4 teaches us that that by raising your kids properly they will be obedient children that love their parents by instilling godly love into their hearts.  This teaching will raise children to thrive to not sin against their parents nor sin against their CREATOR as their consciousness will bear on them when they slip-up in disobedience towards natural laws proper authorize place between children and adults.  This also holds strong bearing on the parental side of the parent because if they have harshly abuse this role of authority granted to them by the laws of nature, the laws of God, by provoking wrath, and not disciplining the child out of godly love, then the child most likely will become a rude ungodly destructive person as he/she grows to adulthood and will not seek their Creator.

As we have now illustrated that the first two primary questions, which were Adolescence isn’t biblical?, and Adolescence isn’t factually based upon correct science?, have obviously been answered.  If you dear reader didn’t catch it, the answer is NO and NO regarding both two topical questions.  Adolescence can’t be biblical because God’s Word nowhere in the Scriptures indicates such teaching at all whatsoever.  Adolescence can not also be based upon correct science because is clearly violates how the laws of nature have designed proper authority to its species.  Example:  A lion cub born will play with its siblings while in the baby stages of its early development.  This cub will not have the maturity adulthood animal capabilities to hunt for its food because the cub is still not developed to be able to take on such an activity.  As the cub grows the parent of the lion will start to “teach” its youngling how to take on such adulthood responsibilities.  If the parent lion immediately took their baby cub out right after birth to hunt for its food, the cub would fail and the species would die because of the lack of knowledge and maturity to be able to take on that authoritative responsibility.  This same logic applies to us humans.  Under the laws of nature development, a child is considered a child until they are able to take on adulthood activities.  The child’s development, one might argue, is the evolutionary process of its adolescence, but the problem with that belief is it destroy the notion of the child’s submissive role by nature to obey to its superior authority, the child’s parents.  A lion cub when misbehaving will be immediately put back in their proper place of the lions social order.  The cub will not have the authority to try to overtake any form of authority until its developed processes is capable by design to take such authority.  A child by nature might try to take authority from his/her parents, but that isn’t because of the child evolving to the adolescence stage, but instead the child is trying to rebel against God’s ordained order of authoritative structure because even that child has the understanding to some degree the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3:5).  This knowledge is the understanding that partakes to how the laws of nature works.  Thus when a child is not considered an adult, that child must comply biblically to the submissive role of how the Almighty Eternal God created us to be.

Now since we have broken down the first two topical questions let us now look into the historical teachings of adolescence as this was the third questioned mentioned.

Reiterated Question:  Adolescence is historical?

When one searches the history of adolescence one can find out that the early studies of adolescence started to originate in the 15th century and came from the Latin word “adolescere,” which meant “to grow up or to grow into maturity”  It wasn’t until 1904 that the first president of the American Psychological Association, G. Stanley Hall was credited with discovering adolescence.

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However over the years psychologists started to adapt adolescence to their understanding of the evolutionary order of mankind.  This belief over the years has led to the acceptance that man is overall humanistically speaking, a good person, relating to understanding how mankind matures their own personalities, emotions, thoughts, and etc, and thus this doctrinal belief of lies, the evolutionary system, shifts us away from accepting the laws of nature, God’s Law, by refusing to accept the notion of personal behavioral responsibility.  That is why we see so many youth today in our western cultures outright defiantly disobeying without any conscionable thought otherwise that what they are partaking in from their disobedience is wrong by the laws of nature.  This outright arrogant belief has led our western cultures directly towards a social order of chaotic destruction within so many of our effected communities of individuals.  Today we can see this chaos by gangs running wild over one of the deadliest cities in America, Chicago, and our youth can not seem to realize that what they are doing is wrong.  That is also another reason why we see youth partaking into many high risk sexual activities, and that is also why our social societies within the United States can not seem to control the war on drugs.  These outright outlandish behaviors are a result of rejecting the notion of the laws of nature, God’s Laws, by refusing to take on personal responsibilities and shifting the blame towards other individuals, entities, and yes adolescence.  You see, parents are taught that children behave like this because they are in their adolescent stage.  Thus when they leave their parents and partake into their own adulthood activities many of these once cherished children end-up becoming outright heinously evil criminals by various degrees.  If one just took the minute to realize that a person’s attitude, a person’s demeanor, a person’s overall behavioral entity, is the byproduct of their spiritual being.  If a child is not raised based correctly upon natural law, God’s law, then the child spiritual entity will be severely corrupted by the wiles of the devil.  If a child is raised based upon Scriptural teachings, the child has a far better chance of growing up in a civilized moral community that seeks to respect proper authority based upon the laws of nature.  That is why adolescence is not just historical, but can not be factually correct based upon the laws of nature.

Now lets take an even closer look at the evolutionary belief that mankind would be deity under the order of supreme species regarding earths evolutionary created order, thus mankind becoming its own deity, which in real-reality is indeed a scary viewpoint to consider in actual reality.  Why would that be so scary?  When one examines any formation of human culture, one can conclude that mankind can not seem to create an utopia society.  This perfection is unreachable because mankind by nature is not a perfected species.  That is why we see various lusts run rapidly throughout human existence.  That is why humans can not seem to control the urges to murder, rape, steal, lie, and this list could probably never end in actual reality, but just these four primary examples should be enough to prove this point being illustrated.  You see?  What a scary world in accepting mankind as the supreme evolved dominate species today.  This man made false evolutionary belief is only hurting the social order of our current cultures of modern man.  When one looks at history one should be able to realize without any kind of bias that modern man has virtually NO historically backed teaching of morality left in our current cultures.  HERE ARE FOUR UNMORAL EXTREME EXAMPLES WITHIN OUR WESTERN CULTURES LISTED BELOW…

Example One: Canada’s Supreme Courts Rules BESTIALITY Legal

The Highest Court of Canada’s nation ruled that in order for criminal procedures to be met as a punishable crime then there must be “penetration” with an animal.  This was a 7-1 court ruling.  This unbelievable ruling came from what is deemed internationally as a civilized first world economic society.  The deity of man just created this social order.  Wow what a society, should mankind really embrace such a ruling?  I personally think not,  BUT it seems that some of  man’s deity of the evolved species of mankind believes so.

Link Ref – To Canada’s Bestiality Court Ruling Reference:

Let’s now take a look at what the Holy Scriptures says about sexual activities with animals…

“Cursed is the one who lies with any kind of animal. And all the people shall say, Amen!”  Deuteronomy 27:21.

Nor shall you mate with any beast, to defile yourself with it. Nor shall any woman stand before a beast to mate with it. It is perversion.”  Leviticus 18:23.

The morality of our western cultures have become nothing more then a highly infected cancerous society that is rotting from the inside of our western borders regardless if it is the United States of America or our friendly northern neighbors of Canada.  A ruling such as this is so despicable that all the judges who voted in favor decreeing a new legal definition regarding what the criminal proceedings of requirements are in order to decree criminal punishments regarding bestiality should be lawfully but immediately removed from their judicial office by the masses of the Canadian citizens.  This is an outrage and yet in the order of the system of the deity of the created order by the belief of the evolutionary system, is this indeed unmoral?  Man gets to decide this decision of morality based upon the understanding of the evolutionary system.  However under a Godly created system this would not go without just-punishment.  These judges will however eventually face the One True Holy Righteous Almighty Eternal God.

“Declare and approach; yea, let them take counsel together. Who has declared this from antiquity? Who has told it since then? Is it not I, Jehovah. And there is no other God besides Me; a just Mighty God and a Savior; there is no one besides Me. Turn to Me, and be saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am the Mighty God, and there is no other. I have sworn by Myself, the word has gone out of My mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, that to Me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.”  Isaiah 45:21-23.

“Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him a name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in Heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”  Philippians 2:9-11.

“I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”  Luke 5:32.

OR…And I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heavens fled away. And there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God. And books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, out of the things which were written in the books. And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one, according to their works. And Death and Hades were cast into the Lake of Fire. This is the second death. And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the Lake of Fire.” Revelation 20:11-15.

Natural Law Science Against Bestiality:

Under natural law, bestiality can not be excepted under the evolutionary model because the absolute opposite species can not continue creating life.  Example:  A bird can not have sexual relations with a cat and create a bird-cat species.  This is just common sense, so relating to the law of nature, all forms of bestiality should be considered unmoral and justly illegal in any form of act regarding desired sexual perversions between humans and other species.  Just this one point being illustrated should be enough evidence to prove this claim.  I, the author of this article, will not even justify researching any further evidence needed for possibly skeptical readers.  All I will confidently say is that if any individual seeks/desires, to have any form of sexual activities with another species, regardless if there is “penetration” or not, those individuals need to truly repent and seek the One True Holy Righteous Almighty Eternal God.  However on an evolutionary belief system, as already previous mentioned, this could be deemed morally acceptable by the deity of man.  Just that belief should make any conscionable intellect human refuse to believe in the evolutionary system.

Example Two:  The Legalization of Homosexual Marriage

Sodemite US LegalizationSadly today in the United States of America our Highest Supreme Court ruled that the marriage between same sex couples must be protected under the United States Constitution.  This ruling has forced States all across our nation to give unnatural marriages legal recognition regardless if it is Locally, State, and/or Nationally.  Under the evolutionary system of our deity once again this could not be deemed morally wrong since our deity evolved from man’s supremacy of planet earth today.  If one however looked at the scientifically designed system of natural law, then mankind should agree that it is unnatural and thusly morally wrong by its perversion against natural law.

Let’s now take a look at what the Holy Scriptures says about Homosexual Practices…

“You shall not lie with a male as with a female. It is an abomination.” Leviticus 18:22.

“If a man lies with a male as one lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall be executed to death. Their blood shall be upon them.”   Leviticus 20:13.

“For this reason God gives them up to vile passions.  For even their women change the natural use for what is contrary to nature.”  Romans 1:26.

Evolutionist thrive to teach the doctrinal lies that some of mankind’s people are born homosexuals.  These evolutionist will claim that some of mankind’s people are born bisexuals.  These evolutionist will claim that some of mankind’s people are born as transgenders.  These evolutionist will also claim that some of mankind’s people were born in the wrong sexual bodies, thus the confusion of sexual orientation occurs in our social orders of human existence.  As we can see today in modern man, we now have a society in the western world, starting to accept sex change operations to help the supposed confused individual seek their desired sexual body.  However all of these belief are contrary to natures laws.  The laws of nature creates the human body, that human body by the laws of nature, is the body of the desired goal of its created being.   Any other statement contrary to that belief would just be ludicrous.  The entity is the entity of birth.  The natural origins of its created order created that individuals entity.  Thusly the entity of birth is the actual entity of the individual regardless what they do outwardly to their physical bodies by modern medical practices.  This topic also coincide with bestiality, because all of these perversions can not produce the product of life.  A man can not have a sexual relation with the same sex and produce the product of life, that sodomite person can not spawn a child with another man directly in his relationship, without first going back to how the scientifically designed method is created.  That man would thus need to have sexual relations with a women, or adopt, or use modern science to birth a child, which scientifically proves that such a physical relationship contrasts to how the Law of Nature, the Law of God actually works.  The makeup between the male and female were designed by the law of nature to be the product to continue its desired design to birth future off-springs.  Just this one illustration should be enough evidence to back why mankind should not openly embrace the belief that evolutionist claim, that people are born gay, bi, lesbian, and etc.  Life would cease to continue if species started to only sexually thrive with the desire to have sex with species that can not produce the future off-springs of its same species.  It is basic mathematical understanding.  1 + 1 = 2.  One man + One Women = the natural birth of Children.  However as a deity under the evolutionary model of mankind, we as a social order of our community would have the right to alter this belief morally if we desired as a culture of our collective entity to do so, if God Almighty truly did not exists.  However one should only be able to logically conclude that mankind is a creation and God is sincerely the CREATOR.

Example Three:  The Legalization of Abortions

In the evolutionary system of man within our western cultures has coldheartedly established the decision to legalize the medical practice of abortions just like any other major decision would be given to the authority of the supreme species, mankind.  Our cultures within the western world especially has decreed that killing unborn children is not just legally accepted but is morally accepted by the masses of our common citizenry as well.  The loss of life of children who haven’t even been able to be born out of their mothers womb should be decreed by all moral human beings as reprehensible and justly declared by the laws of nature to be true by that proclamation.  Such practice should be lawfully declared by nature as illegal and also punishable for such a heinous crime.  Even some in so-called churches have agreed along the atheist movement to be an okay practice as these so called godly preachers proudly teach the Bible to their congregations.  This sad but true reality has further deepened man’s immorality to a point of probably no return, without the realization of repenting towards God for such a unthinkable mankind determined lawfully established belief, that can not whatsoever be backed upon Scriptural teachings. 

Link Ref – of Pastors / Churches Supporting Abortions:

Some individuals who even declare themselves to be Christians claim that “some forms” of abortions should be legally established, such as, rape, incest, women safety, and etc.  This should however not be allowed, even these forms of abortions, legally because the law of nature, God’s Law, doesn’t coincide with these arguments.  On a creationist viewpoint, life is life, and all innocent life must be protected at all cost.  Although incest is morally wrong and should be punishable, including individuals who have raped women, this shouldn’t justify the legality to murder an innocent life.  Example:  A person walks into a gas station and is paying for their fuel,  at that same time another individual walks in and pulls a gun out and shoots a clerk while robbing the gas station, a civilized society would seek justice.  If that person was caught, the individual would face criminal proceedings.  Such a crime would cause that individual to face prison time and possibly including the death penalty.  However we as a society claim that an unborn child can be put to death merely by the mothers sole authority.  If that sole authority is sincerely given to the mother by the laws of nature, this would only validate the evolutionist viewpoint that mankind would be deity, by creating man’s own morality on what is decreed murder of human life.  If the creationist viewpoint is truly based upon the Laws of Nature, then God would legally establish what the murder of human life would be.

Let’s now take a look at what the Holy Scriptures says about unborn children…

“Before I formed you in the belly I knew you; and before you came forth out of the womb I consecrated you, and I ordained you…”  Jeremiah 1:5 (a/b).

If men fight, and strike a pregnant woman, so that the child comes forth, without harm, he shall be punished to pay a fine as the woman’s husband imposes upon him; and he shall pay according to the assessment. But if there is harm, then you shall requite soul for soul; eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.” Exodus 21:22-25.

Sadly in the United States of America this nation that once claimed by the majority of its people to be a Christian nation has now turned towards the belief that killing helpless unborn children to be a medically sound practice and that women should have this right protected to them under the United States Constitution.  This historical landmark decision by the U.S. Supreme Court notably called Roe v. Wade in 1973 was nationally legalized and protected under the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution.  This manmade decision once again would be decreed by the laws of the dominate species (mankind) to be morally accepted as no other authority is of higher statues.  Without God there truly is no fear of wrongdoing wouldn’t you agree?

Link Ref – To United States Supreme Court Legalization of Abortions Ruling Reference:

But as usual the skeptics of the Holy Scriptures will need evidence…so lets now break down some key factual evidence shall we…

Modern science teaches without any doubt that life beings at conception.  It is a well established fact that an organism exists after conception that did NOT EXIST before conception.  This new organism has its own DNA distinct from the mother and the father.  If this sincerely is the case that would mean it is neither part of the mother nor part of the father.  As the embryo grows, it develops a heartbeat 22 days after conception, its own circulatory system, and its own organs.  This organism that is alive will continue to grow and develop as long as nutrition is provided and its life is not ended through violence or illness.  Thus this evidence is mere fact that the embryo has its own distinct DNA and thusly must be considered by the laws of nature, the laws of design, that this embryo is a individual human being at conception.

Link Ref:

A new scientific breakthrough was discovered showing video footage that proves scientifically when life begins.  This breakthrough was captured with a burst of fluorescence.  Human life thusly beings in a bright flash of light as sperm meets an egg, scientists have shown for the first time, after capturing the event on video.

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Just these two illustrated factual scientific evidence shown above should indicate to you, dear reader, that life beings at the moment of conception regardless what trimester a women might be at during her pregnancy.  The Holy Scriptures  also backs this modern scientific evidences claim.  However once again, if atheist evolutionist are correct about their claims that God did not create life, then the deity of man could justify the endless amount of killings of unborn children.

Example Four:  The Legalization of Micro-Aborted Child Cannibalism

I would assume dear soul reader, that you would hopefully agree that eating the same species is against the law of nature based upon many scientific facts.  One main fact would be the commonsense understanding that we as humans should not consume the same flesh of design as the same species as it is known by the scientific communities to be unhealthy and thusly unnatural based upon natural law.  One primary health problem although rare is kuru and this disease will eat your brain.  That is however assuming a individual ate a human brain.  Although this form of cannibalism mentioned in this article, Micro-Aborted Child Cannibalism is not effecting this form of cannibalism, it is still a point needing to be illustrated on why we shouldn’t partake in eating the same species.

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However would the deity of mankind be morally wrong to legalize cannibalism for consumption?  Once again man would have this right to decree this absolute authority over all living life on this planet as the currently evolved dominate species.  Even if we know as a society that consuming such byproducts is unhealthy, can we not deem it to be morally okay, even if it is against the genetically engineered designed by common random chance of evolution?  This fourth extreme example hopefully will help shed common sense to any evolutionist reading this chapter that if we are designed by random change based upon EVOLUTION, then nothing is morally right and at the same token nothing is morally wrong, with the exception that the social orders of its societies of people and authoritative powers of its governments to deem what is moral and what is unmoral, the emotions of right/wrong would justly serve only the evolved consciences of human species.

Unfortunately some corporations within the United States of America has deemed cannibalism on a micro level to be acceptable for human dietary consumption.  What?  That’s correct, we now have corporations in this country processing added aborted baby cells to our food products as flavor enhancers.  What?  “Your nuts, Americans would never allow such a horrific policy.”  Well think again.  A corporation under the name of Senomyx are using biotechnology to help enhance flavoring in our purchasable foods.  Assuredly this corporation is using kidney cells from aborted babies into their projects sweeteners and natural flavors.   The cell lines HEK-293T and HEK-293 (human embryonic kidney) are secretly hidden by Senomyx terms when referring to parts of an aborted baby.  This company uses this scientific code to insure that people do not know what they mean.

Senomyx webpage is Their offices are in San Diego, California. Their full address is: 11099 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037.

For guided evidence to those who seek to not believe word of mouth, here is a downloadable link showing proof that this cannibalism practice is actually happening.

This following link from Wikipedia will also help those you don’t fully comprehend the phrase (term) HEK Cells in further detail by explaining that HEK is the “abbreviation” “term” of Human Embryonic Kidney cells.

Link Ref – News Articles Sources of Aborted Children for Food Consumption:

Sadly this reality is sold to the public for human consumption and as previously mentioned before, based upon man’s own godhead authority of the evolutionary pyramid of natural selection, this practice could be deemed moral as long as the supreme social orders of its evolved species allow such practices to occur.  Lastly one could also easily search online to find out that multinational corporations are also using aborted children in our medication / vaccines as well.

Link Ref:

Where does this end?  Is such practices worth developing in the so called name of modern science, even if it may or may not help cure diseases?  Where are godly men who cry out NO, NO, NO, AND NOOOOO for such practices?  Where are the preachers screaming to their congregations that these type of practices will not go without just punishment from our Eternal Creator?  As long as we as a society keep embracing such satanic knowledge those who willfully support such interventions will inevitably meet their doom when hell’s fire of God’s Eternal Judgment is given to mankind.

“But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, prostitutes, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”  Revelation 21:8.

Let’s now take another look at what the Holy Scriptures says about abortions…since this section of this article is also relating cannibalism on a micro-level of aborted children.

“For You have possessed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb… My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my embryo, and in Your book I was enrolled, and all my days had been preordained, when as yet there was nothing.” Psalms 139:13-16.

This Scriptural verse should conclude that even God Himself makes it very clear that a baby by the laws of nature, the Laws of God, are deemed children once the women is pregnant without any need for further scriptural debate.  Period.  Eating any consumption of food, taking medicine, vaccines, even using aborted children for stem cell research is CLEARLY A VIOLATION OF GOD’S LAW.  Period…Period…Period…No Exception whatsoever…PERIOD.  Just that one verse mentioned above in Psalms 139:13-16 should be enough evidence for any real Christian to object any form of abortion.  Just that one verse above should be enough to convince mankind that they need to repent towards our Holy Righteous God for believing in such an hellish doctrine of supporting dead children in our food chain and medical practices.  If God declare an embryo a human it is a human.

As we have now concluded within just these four extreme examples, which were: BESTIALITY, HOMOSEXUALITY, LEGALIZATION OF ABORTIONS,  MICRO-ABORTED CHILD CANNIBALISM, all of these practices that are now being deemed to some degree morally acceptable by our modern human beings, should only logically conclude that these groups of individuals truly seek to destroy any TRUE FOUNDATIONAL FACTS regarding the TRUE LAWS OF NATURE, that where DESIGNED by the ONE TRUE HOLY RIGHTEOUS ETERNAL CREATOR.

Thusly Chapter One’s conclusion of this report should easily declare to all of its readers that if evolution is truly backed by their claim of scientific absolute fact, then the systems of created order of life through the programming process of evolution in and of it’s self is indeed a system that doesn’t have any futuristic hope for humanity.  The only logical conclusion to such a belief is that we can recognize that by the random chance of possibility that evolution evolved humans, would indeed make mankind the deity of all supremacy regarding life.  Which thusly would indeed be a sad reality, since we as humans seem to love the intellectual knowledge of defying the laws of nature daily by accepting nothing but total absolute destruction of the origins of how life is created by the laws of nature, and by how mankind seems to repeatedly defy this law by trying to continuously do the opposite then how evolution created it in the first place of its original purpose.

If that is sincerely the case, and evolution is reality, then would we not eventually destroy ourselves by modern warfare?  As it seems logical since mankind loves to defy the beauty of natures creation by always accepting  various other forms of lifestyles that opposes natural law?

Why would this belief of random chance, which is a system that has absolutely no heartfelt respect for life that it creates, be a system that mankind would even dare to accept?  This is indeed a system that has absolutely no heartfelt emotional feelings regarding life that it originally created.  This belief of random chance is indeed a system that has absolutely NO HOPE for a prosperous living conscionable intellectual species, since it seems to only create intellectual species that hold the keys of evil knowledge that can destroy all living and thus evolution advancing its agenda is eventually destroyed by its own system of design that it itself created.

V.W. Edition BibleOR…could the Holy Bible be true when the scriptures clearly tells us in the Book of Genesis not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?  Which sadly our first ancestors, Adam and Eve did eat from. 

And Jehovah God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden you may eat to feed; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die the death.”  Genesis 2:16-17.