Think on These Things

“Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy; think on these things.”  Philippians 4:8   For years there has been and still is talk of ‘how bad things are getting.’  I recall my good friend and mentor, who taught me much regarding the Bible had stated how many bad things that the nightly news in Spokane, Washington would report about.  That was years ago, where the vast majority of news consumed would be a brief nightly show, followed by the sports and weather report, with the daily newspaper also being read by many individuals.    Clearly the Bible teaches that things will “wax worse and worse” (2 Tim. 3:13), but should we take a moment to consider these things in light of the Holy Scriptures?   Just a couple of generations ago, there was a time where news took time to spread and much of the news was more local or state, rather than reporting on every evil that was found around the globe.    While horrific events that happened in far away places could be read eventually in many local or statewide published newspapers, there was a limitation to space in those papers, as well as a certain lack on interest.  For instance, one might not ever hear about a mass stabbing event in rural China, but now with the advent of the internet, likely that news will travel quite quickly and we might pickup the headline...

eBooks Available on Website

With All Will Stand’s business listing now being removed from Google, on top of Twitter and Facebook permanently banning the ministry page, the question is how long before the books are banned from Barnes & Noble, Kobo or Amazon?  This website is now prepaid until January 29, 2030, with the hosting included.  While I am well aware that the Antichrist world government will eventually take down websites, it seemed good to me to place the eBook versions of the copies that are out there to be available to download via the website. Should you run across this material during the Tribulation, download the book, place it on a thumb drive that you bought with cash (Walgreens sells cheap ones) and keep it out of sight.  Also download a copy of the VW edition Bible that is available.  Read it and keep it out of sight from prying online...

Tidbit About Thefts

“And they did not repent of their murders nor their sorceries nor their sexual perversions nor their thefts.”  Revelation 9:21   The other day I was reading an older book that has a take on the time during the Tribulation, trying to piece together what has been taught to people.  During this time, this verse above was mentioned and I sat back and pondered it more.   When you look at what has become a new common term, organized retail theft, and consider that apparently Target lost $400,000,000 in theft in one year, also Walmart theft is so high that it may raise the prices on all goods and even close some stores, according to the CEO, then perhaps this is just one more thing pointing to a direction of how close we are to the starting gun of the Rapture.   With laws being passed in some areas of the country, protecting people from being prosecuted for thefts under a certain dollar amount (I believe $900 in San Francisco), this only aids in pushing this clear sin to the top, by removing the ‘wrong’.  What idea goes into one’s head when you can not be prosecuted for ‘petty’ theft?  Is it right or wrong?  Are you entitled or not?   Well the Bible is quite clear:   “You shall not steal.”  Exodus 20:15    This is one of the Ten Commandments.  Yet we have leaders who say that there is a reason that people may steal and they are not going to do anything about it?  Irregardless of the reason that theft is so high in the United...

They Can’t See

“This I say, therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk, in the emptiness of their mind, having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart; who, being past feeling, have given themselves over to licentiousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.  But you have not so learned Christ, if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus: that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which is corrupted according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.”  Ephesians 4:17-24   One wonders with all of the current directions, often negative, that this world is going in, why people can’t see how the foundations for a futuristic, perhaps near term, end of the world scenario, as prophesied in the Bible, appears to be on the edge of fruition.    A couple of days ago I watched part of a DVD video that I own called A Distant Thunder.  I didn’t make it through the whole video, but there was a scene that seemed to be very relevant to the very day and age in which we live, though the Rapture hasn’t taken place yet and people have yet to have been Left Behind.   In this scene and from previous scenes, there is this pastor who...


The hope of Elon Musk being able to undo some of the nonsense censorship has now faded.  All Will Stand had a Twitter & Facebook social media account.  Both accounts got closed in late 2020, due to what appeared to be censorship.  There was solid evidence that All Will Stand was shadow-banned on Twitter and with myself being in disagreement with the censoring of Facebook, that account was closed as well.   Recently the decision was made to once again try and provide All Will Stand material to reach more people via both Twitter and Facebook.  The Facebook account was banned within 5 minutes and after an appeal the decision was upheld, despite NEVER publishing, liking, typing, uploading, etc., one thing.  Likewise the Twitter account was setup and NEVER used at all for anything, no content.  Today I went to place the most recent article link up on Twitter and I see that All Will Stand is also now permanently banned, despite no reason for a ban, as it was never once used.   Nonetheless, the matter of who and how to reach people via the ministry material is in God’s hands, His timing and I will leave it to Him. ...