Samuel, Saul & David #001 Introduction

EDITORS NOTE (9/20/24): At the moment, this ‘time’ is still here, but the actual ‘time’ that I have available the Lord has called me to use elsewhere, so for now this is going to be on the back burner. “Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.”  1st Corinthians 10:11   We are seemingly getting ‘closer and closer’ to that moment, the ‘end of the age’ (Matt. 28:18-19), but what should the Lord find us doing (Matt. 24:46)?  Well each Believer has a responsibility towards Christ.  We can learn from Israel, from the past and these things, when we understand them and know them (Ps. 119:11), so if there is still ‘time’ then why not take a ‘walk-thru’, looking at 1st and 2nd Samuel, Kings & Chronicles.  These books of the Bible are full of ‘goodies’ and I have spent many countless hours in these books.    Such a study as this has been on my mind for quite some time now, time has not availed, but nonetheless, God will prevail and allow this study to get moving along.  So let’s begin… 😀    In order to have a good understanding of David, which will become our main focus, we need to also have a firm understanding of who Samuel was, as well as Saul, who would become David’s rival latter on.    There was a man whose name was Elkanah (1 Sam. 1:1) and he had two wives (vs. 2), Hannah and Peninnah.   Now why two wives, does not the...

Childrens’ Corner

A new page for those who have kids or know someone who does.  When time prevails, I would like to get some free things to let children learn more about God and His Word. The page is found under the Christian Resource Center, but the direct link is...

Watching & Ready Column UPDATED

The section is now completed.  The Watching & Ready Column can be readily found under the ‘Christian Perspective‘ section of the website.  New columns will still be posted on the home page as well, going over the topical matter.  ...