Childrens’ Corner

A new page for those who have kids or know someone who does.  When time prevails, I would like to get some free things to let children learn more about God and His Word. The page is found under the Christian Resource Center, but the direct link is...

Watching & Ready Column UPDATED

The section is now completed.  The Watching & Ready Column can be readily found under the ‘Christian Perspective‘ section of the website.  New columns will still be posted on the home page as well, going over the topical matter.  ...

July Podcasts Shows

All Will Stand’s Back to the Basic radio podcast shows have now been added for the month of July.  You can view them here: Podcasts They are Episodes 015 thru 018…in random areas of the Back to the Basics Podcast...

Save Our City

“Yet I considered it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus, my brother, fellow worker, and fellow soldier, and your messenger and the one who ministered to my need;” … Philippians 2:25   … “to the beloved Apphia, Archippus our fellow soldier, and to the church in your house:” … Philemon 1:2   “You therefore endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.  No one serving military duty entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him.”  2nd Timothy 2:3-4 ………………………………………………………………………………………………   Editors Note: Looking at the newspaper last night and seeing the never-ending assault against God, His people, His Word had me pondering the scale of what is going on, not just in this state (South Dakota), but throughout the entire country and indeed world.    Well if this interestingly put together ‘article’ incites the powers-that-be to chalk one more file against God’s servant as this article mixes a fictional scenario to preach God’s truth, but in their eyes mixing ‘religious’ ideas with ‘militant’ ideas equals a domestic terrorist, well so be it!  After all, these same powers (Eph. 6:12) are certainly going to be running the show during the reign of the Antichrist that will happen during the Tribulation (Jer. 30:7) upon those who will have been Left Behind.  ………………………………………………………………………………………………    Fellow Soldier:  “Sir, can we save our country?!  The enemy appears to be everywhere and they have a great following!  (Luk. 13:23-27)”   General Preacher:  “We are at war, the battle is strong, but worry not, though the enemy takes more ground, enlisting the already enslaved as their foot...

Not the Pit!

“Jesus asked him, saying, What is your name? And he said, Legion, because many demons had entered him.   And they begged Him that He would not command them to go out into the abyss.”  Luke 8:30-31   Let’s turn our attention to realities, realities that are amongst us, the fullness of which is not known, but where the Bible has shed enough light to give us understanding and knowledge that we might turn our ways unto God through His Son, Jesus Christ.   Just –what- word to use here?  I had thought to use pit and when I went to look up the verse that was on my mind I see that in the VW-edition it is ‘abyss’ and in the KJV it is ‘deep’.  So I got out my old Webster’s University dictionary and looked it up, finally determining I would just leave the word ‘pit’ in the title of this article, as it seems appropriate enough.   Abyss, n.   1.) A bottomless gulf; also a deep mass of waters, once supposed to have encompassed the earth in the beginning; as, the face of the abyss, in the Septuangint 2.) That which is immeasurable; that in which anything is lost. Thy throne is darkness, in the abyss of night. – Milton 3.) The bottomless pit; hell; Erebus. 4.) An immensity of time, space, depth, or scope, usually with the idea of intellectual or moral depravity; as, an abyss of ignorance, as abyss of crime. 5.) In heraldry, the center of an escutcheon; as, he bears azure, a fleur-de-lis, in abyss.   Syn. – Chasm, cleft, crevasse, gorge,...