Willfully Ignorant

“This I say, therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk, in the emptiness of their mind, having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart; who, being past feeling, have given themselves over to licentiousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.”  Ephesians 4:17-19   There are some who like to use the term ‘entertained to death’ and there is truth to such a notion.  All around the world, not just in the United States, there are large problems that have formed.  The cracks of our world governmental systems are starting to show their weaknesses, the ugly truth is starting to rear it’s head.  In America we have a society where information is at our fingertips.    Never before in the history of the world has the access to knowledge been so readily available to the average citizen.  While there are still the things that go on in backrooms of corporations and our governments, that have yet to seen the light of day, we can easily see the writing on the wall that not all is well.  The assumption for most is that somehow our ails of our societies will fix these issues eventually.  Yet, do we not consider that the only person who might offer the ultimate solution would be the Antichrist?   Hour after hour Americans sideswipe their responsibility as citizens to ensure the government is adhering to its constitutional boundaries.  Day after day many around the world in civilized...

Is it Finally the End?

Numerous news reports about the devastating fires in California had quotes from first hand accounts of people involved who thought that perhaps the end had come or that Armageddon was ongoing.  There were people who took photos that made their rounds across the globe in the media regarding how California’s Disneyland looked liked a scene from Hell.   There were those who were thinking and saying the same thing when Harvey hit Texas, when Irma hit tropical islands, etc.  They thought perhaps the end was upon them, as devastation appeared on all sides around them, as far as they could see.  In one case there were people begging for God to make the rain stop from Harvey, as the nonstop rain became the biggest rain event in the continental United States recorded history.    All of these terrible disasters the United States has been experiencing are just a drop in the bucket of similar events that have been taking place around the world.  Unfortunately many in America hold an attitude of such self worth that they care little about floods in Asia or terrifying events in India.  A point-in-case would be an attitude regarding a potential North Korean & United States war, where the talking point of many is sacrificing Seoul in South Korea is better than it coming to our homeland.  In other words, millions dying ‘over there’ is a small price to pay.    Our country is being destroyed slowly by disasters that are costing tens of billions of dollars in damage EACH.  While we have the advantage of holding the world reserve currency that is backed...


This is being written as hurricane Irma is churning out in the Atlantic, with hurricane Harvey in people’s minds, the perceived threat as to what will occur is yet unknown.  Historically hurricanes on that path often hit Florida OR turn and go to the North Atlantic, hitting no one.  Yet as this is also being written, smoke continues to fill the skies in Kalispell, Montana on a daily basis.   The Los Angeles area has the La Tuna wildfire, which is the biggest ever recorded in the area.  With Montana’s ‘flash drought’ we continue to get very little rain and still unseasonable warm weather.  Just a little spark and another wildfire will appear somewhere, this with thunderstorms forecast in a few days.  As the flood waters from Houston are drying up, people are starting to speculate that this is either God’s judgment or considering that somehow this is pointing to a major end times event.  Of course these who ponder the later, are in every case I see, those who also purport that there will be no Rapture or it will be at the end of the Tribulation (“time of Jacob’s trouble” Jer. 30:7).    Well I can’t speak on behalf of God and neither can they, unless God has truly given them some insight.  Sure these are interesting times that we live in, but these are times where instead of people looking and presuming that God is going to come in and ‘fix’ all of man’s woes, they should be looking at fixing their hearts before our Creator, before it is too late.  As I watch these things...

What will you do?

The nation awoke last week to a devastating hurricane that literally ended up zeroing in on Houston with huge amounts of rainfalls.  I downloaded a rain map that showed Houston as ground zero for the rain.  Then, the now tropical storm, backed up into the Gulf of Mexico and landed in southeast Texas, dropping 25 more inches of rain in a day, totally flooding cities.   When that happened there were a bunch of headlines on the news, but the one that really caught my eye was how the rain was called punishing and there was a quote from a resident begging God to have it stop raining.  The event was terrible and now people are more cautiously eyeing the other storms that are heading towards the United States.  The amount of rain that was dropped in Houston set a record for rainfall in the contiguous United States, never had that much been recorded out of one event…never.   Who is to blame?  Is it simply chance, after all Houston had those reservoirs for a reason, they had been flooded before, in fact a different storm years ago had dropped just a couple of inches less rain.  Was it God’s judgment?  Some speculate so.  What about utilizing HAARP or other technology to weaponize the storm, to cause President Trump a crisis?  There are those who are pushing this theory also.  Around the same time 1,200 people died in a flood in Asia, but we as Americans simply brush that off.   “You have heard that it was said, You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.  But I...


Recently, out of boredom, I took an IQ test.  To the best of my recollection, the test results came in right around the same as one I had taken years ago, near 120.  I pondered this, wondering where these supposed standards come from.    Did the world’s smartest man create the IQ test?  What is logic?  What standards are used to measure presumed intelligence?  What is intelligence?  Why is it so many intelligent people are against their Creator?    Recently I had a conversation with a pastor regarding biblical Salvation.  The pastor appeared to be spot on and seemed to have a true zeal towards God.  Our conversation changed to discussing the Flood and Creation.  In that conversation the pastor left open the possibility of a gap theory, while still holding to six literal days of Creation.  While he didn’t affirm that it was so, he also did not affirm that it was not.  After our conversation I pondered whether or not it was acceptable as a Believer to allow any sort of compromise regarding the allowance of a gap theory into what the Bible actually teaches.   As I was pondering this we made our way to another building where there was a display of rare rocks and minerals.  Having a keen interest in rock hounding, I quickly found myself in a conversation with a gentlemen behind the table regarding their collection.  I noted that some of the local rocks that he had collected, I also had in my possession at home.  He began to explain that those rocks were pre-algae.  At first I avoided any confrontation regarding...


Our national anthem declares that “In God is our trust“.  The lyrics of America the Beautiful declares that “God shed his grace on thee“.  If we were a newly founded country would either of these terms be allowed with all of the liberal anti God mentality that is out there.  I’m sure our country would have to come up with songs that would include everyone’s beliefs and the only people whom it could be offensive too would be true Believers, of whom probably very few would actually take offense.   “Remember the Word that I said to you, A servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My Word, they will keep yours also.”  John 15:20   America consistently is heading in a direction that is contrary to God.  This has been going on for quite some time, in fact out west, in places like Montana, there certainly was lawlessness back in the foundation and afterwards of this state, but those who were about to be hung for their crimes would still often confess that they were indeed guilty before their Creator.  Even though their sins had been found out, they were guilty, they had done evil, the point is they still knew that they would stand before their Creator, guilty.  Nowadays America is like a prostitute who does wrong, but in her own eyes she has not committed evil.   “This is the way of an adulterous woman: She eats, and wipes her mouth, and says, I have done no wickedness.”  Proverbs 30:20   Does America still...