Natural Law – Space, Time, & Matter

Tidbit Number One: Earth’s Magnetic Field The surrounding scientific communities around the globe proclaim in our modern area that the earth is billions upon billions of years old by the development of random chance regarding their evolutionary belief. I have wanted to write some tidbits regarding “Natural Law” from a Christian perspective for a while. Something’s to consider for those who doubt the Creation Design vs. the Evolutionary Model. NASA States: Every 1,400 years, the earth’s magnetic field is weakening. NASA is thereby proclaiming that every 1,400 years, the earth’s magnetic field gets cut (weakened) by its 1/2 life. This scientific discovery should be eye-shocking to those who deny the creation story. Mathematically speaking, the earth is therefore “NOT” able to be billions of years old.  Logical Reasoning: Based on the current studies of the earth’s magnetic field, if we went back to King David’s period of biblical ancient history (Estimated – 2,800 years), the earth’s atmosphere regarding the magnetic field would be 4x more substantial. If we also returned to the biblically recorded timing of Noha’s flood, the magnetic field would be 8x more significant.  If the earth were billions of years old, based on evolutionists’ false, unscientific claims, it would have heated up so much that it would have destroyed the entire planet. Why? Answer: If the earth’s atmosphere were billions of years old, the magnetic field would have been so strong that the scientific reality would have heated the world so much (Estimated – 25,000 years) that the earth would have been naturally destroyed based on mathematics. So remember, based on what NASA tells us, the earth’s life,...

Authentic Biblical Salvation – Part 7

As you dear readers can see in the Web Word Illustration – Part One (Previous Article Part 6: Click Here) graphical chart, “SIN” became genetically coded within the blood of tainted humanity. This “SIN” created a separation from God since He is Holy. This natural global order of God’s created utopia of all living creatures on earth was now tainted. Humanity only had one straightforward rule, and that ordained elementary rule was to “NOT” eat of the tree of knowledge between good & evil (Genesis 2:17). You see, dear readers, the Serpent (The Devil & demons) – fell from grace, now fallen the Devil declared a declaration of war against the Almighty Creator. And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Luke 10:18. That is why the Holy Scriptures inform us of this reality when God cast Lucifer down to the earth. Lucifer sought revenge by seeing if humanity would follow in his footsteps. He used stealth and manipulating lies to get Eve & Adam to sin, thus cursing God’s global order. Thereby the “Big N” of the Natural law and order was overturned, and Lucifer has been thriving to create his anti-thesis order controlled under his throne since that horrific moment in human history. This moment in the Garden of Eden is why we have had death & turmoil ever since. All wars from ancient periods to modern-days, including the advancement of weapons of mass destruction (nukes/vacuum bombs/etc.), are all related to the false god of this world, Lucifer. When we see children dying of cancer or massive starvation, as we witness in...

All are not Welcome There

“But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or produces an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.”  Revelation 21:27   “There is a way which seems right to a man, but the end of it is the ways of death.”  Proverbs 14:12   Now there is a lot of going back and forth battles in this country and around the world that are being fought on the basis of what is called traditional conservative values verses liberalism.  However, as we will see, our opinions in all reality matter nothing compared to what our Creator has declared to be the actual Truth of the matter.   What we are seeing is the fulfilling of the prophecy regarding the whole world being led astray by Satan (Revelation 12:9), a war that is truly being fought against Almighty God, one that the world will lose (Revelation 19:11-21).   Just how much time will I spend debating these issues that are already judged?  How much time should anyone spend online going back and forth with tweets and comments throughout the internet, ‘fighting’ ideas.  At what point do we just stand on the firm foundation of the Bible (2 Timothy 2:19) doing His great work, ensuring that our families are properly taught the Word of God, that our children are raised in the Lord, that we participate in spreading the Gospel, that we are active in our local churches, ensuring that they are pleasing to God, as they belong to Christ?   If we were to spend countless hours debating nonsense,...


“There is a way which seems right to a man, but the end of it is the ways of death.”  Proverbs 14:12   Our society is continuing on a path, a path that is contrary to our Creator, one that is on the broad path (Matthew 7:13), leading to the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:15).  This path have those who have been given some sort of false Gospel message, presenting to them that they are assured to go to Heaven, when true Salvation is absent, as well as an increasing number of people who simply have decided to continue on what seems to be right to them, but the end of it is the ways of death.   There is a war going on, this war began with Adam and Eve’s sin in the garden of Eden (Genesis 3) and is near it’s ultimate culmination stage, on that should have anyone who considers such a thing, to REALLY consider their ways, are they part of this deception?!   “So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who leads the whole world astray; he was cast out onto the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”  Revelation 12:9    The Bible already tells us the future to what is going to happen and what is happening.  The apostasy (2 Peter 3:3; 2 Timothy 3:1) is in full bloom, getting worse each year, the days of Noah (Matthew 24:37) and the days of Lot (Luke 17:28) are upon us.  Society is truly getting worse and worse (2 Timothy 3:13).    The...

Authentic Biblical Salvation – Part 6

Every Sovereign State has its form of constitutional governance. This governance includes the royal courtyard of God’s Kingdom. For example, The United States is a founded constitutional republic ruled by the land’s supreme law, the Federal Constitution. Another example would be England, which operates under a modern-day constitutional democratic monarchy. These two examples get governed under God’s acceptance and allowed (‘approved’) by the Father’s Eternal Sovereignty. “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.” Romans 13:1. However, these rules of principalities are carnal and shall eventually come to an end. In due course, all humankind shall still receive a trial under the Creator’s Throne. God’s Kingdom has established a system of law for which we shall be held accountable under tribunal. This legally codified law is the Holy Scriptures (Commonly referred to as the Holy Bible). Most Christians (Big C = Real Christians) do not realize that the Holy Bible is, in reality, the codified legal system of God’s Constitution, which is a Christian’s mandated order to obey God’s Eternal Constitution (The Holy Bible). Take Note: Although Christians are Saved by God’s merciful grace, until we are in Heaven, our fleshly bodies will still sin. But scriptural-based evidence supporting genuine Christians will continue throughout their walk with Christ to continue to repent by “confessing one’s sins.” Christians walking on this earth are “NOT” sinless perfected until we receive our new bodies in God’s Kingdom. Those who preach a Christian on this earth will have a sinless perfection state is indeed wrong. “If we confess...

Authentic Biblical Salvation – Part Five

God Pardon’s Sin Law of Nature Question: What is a Pardon?   Answer: “A pardon is the use of executive power that exempts the individual to whom it was given from punishment…” Legal Reference Link: “These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.” Revelation 17:14. As you can see, under the laws of nature, humanity is guilty of a governing criminal system by the King of Kings. This action requires, under nature’s direction, only two plausible legal options under a constituted statute of natural law. Number One: The crimes of humanity must get sentenced with just punishment by the King of Kings. Number Two: The King of Kings also has the sovereign authority to pardon such criminals. Note: This is not a right but a privilege. Countries around the world have some form of pardon rights. For example, The President of the United States is given this authority under the Article II of the United States Constitution, “…he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States,…” Another example would be the British Monarch. The current king, as this is written, is King Charles III. Under England’s constitutional monarchy system, this power gets bestowed on the British Crown. As mentioned throughout this article, we are soldiers for Jesus Christ once we become genuinely Saved (big S). Note: Dear Reader, this is not a little s = non-real salvation but genuinely Saved by God’s Grace. At this moment,...